星期二, 11月 30, 2004
星期一, 11月 29, 2004

I do believe there has a god in this world. He knows what we are doing right now. he knows everything. well...and as i know there have so many religions in this world too...i just feel a bit confused on my religion.
Well...based on some ppl's ideas , we only used 5% of our brain therefore, we can't understand all the things -.-...that is has no point to argue on 'Why god made us ?' thats right....err..i dunno what i am talking about ...-_-
probally i should go learn more about it -.-
nextttt topiccccc
Why ppl love to play games ?
today...i had just played some games which i have just d/l ...
hmm...those games are fun , graphics look leet...
however, i suddenly feel bored of playing a game. why ?
basically, ppl love to play games because of the following points: (just my view -.- dun kill sky)
1. they got bored
2.they have free time to spend
3.they want to express their emoition [ex: some bloody games]
well...probally its time for sky to stop for playing so much games...dun waste too much time on it -.-
hmm...those games are fun , graphics look leet...
however, i suddenly feel bored of playing a game. why ?
basically, ppl love to play games because of the following points: (just my view -.- dun kill sky)
1. they got bored
2.they have free time to spend
3.they want to express their emoition [ex: some bloody games]
well...probally its time for sky to stop for playing so much games...dun waste too much time on it -.-