前幾日...我好似見到UFO 呀... (其實我都未confrim到係d乜野)
佢好似d 星星咁細粒...但係又郁黎郁去...-_- 照計....飛機無郁得咁快...直升機同飛機應該有d signal light 架...但佢又..好似星星咁光wor -.- 又郁得幾快...... =__= 真係 no idea...
估唔到佢今次可以食到咁多野...!!! then we went to jusco...to search sths with ming...
well...the -.- thing she wants is already put at the place that we enter form...
so foolish !
then we went to check out some japanese snacks... wow ! they are all look good...
but i had a cough -.- so i can't eat it la....
thanks for the corn chocolate