星期六, 12月 31, 2005
星期四, 12月 29, 2005
星期三, 12月 28, 2005
Deja Vu: the experience of thinking that a new situation had occurred
Have U ever have deja vu before ? :D
haha its fun to have that feeling
一首聽落幾happy既歌 :D
background updated DREAMS COME TRUE - JET!!!
Have U ever have deja vu before ? :D
haha its fun to have that feeling
一首聽落幾happy既歌 :D
background updated DREAMS COME TRUE - JET!!!
星期二, 12月 27, 2005
星期日, 12月 25, 2005

Lonely Christmas
作曲/作詞: 李峻一
編曲/監製: Terry Chan
誰又騎著那鹿車飛過 忘掉投下那禮物給我
凝視那燈飾 只有今晚最光最亮 卻照亮我的寂寞
#誰又能善心親一親我 由唇上來驗證我幸福過
頭上那飄雪 想要棲息我肩膊上 到最後也別去麼
@Merry, Merry Christmas
Lonely, Lonely Christmas
人浪中想真心告白 但妳只想聽聽笑話
Lonely, Lonely Christmas
Merry, Merry Christmas
明日燈飾必須拆下 換到歡呼聲不過一剎
Repeat # @
明晨遇到 亦記不到和誰在醉酒中偷偷擁抱
仍然在傻笑 但妳哪知道我想哭
和誰撞到 亦怕’生保’ 寧願在醉酒中辛苦嘔吐
仍然在頭痛 合唱的詩歌聽不到
Repeat @
星期六, 12月 24, 2005

鋼之鍊金術師-森巴拉的征服者(Fullmetal Alchemist-Conqueror of Shamballa)
-.-" 個結局真係...頂佢唔順...
今個christmas好似冇乜christmas feel, 可能係我自己冇feel姐.
琴日同阿婆飲早tea,(the food are delicious)然後番去補課...唉悶到抽筋勁多人冇番~
(因為唔take attandance既關係=.=") 堂logic直頭悶到係到講hb鉛筆
之後...小弟不斷忍耐...最後早走左5 mins :D
行到傻哂~ 最慘係...冇水飲...

鋼之鍊金術師-森巴拉的征服者(Fullmetal Alchemist-Conqueror of Shamballa)
-.-" 個結局真係...頂佢唔順...
今個christmas好似冇乜christmas feel, 可能係我自己冇feel姐.
琴日同阿婆飲早tea,(the food are delicious)然後番去補課...唉悶到抽筋勁多人冇番~
(因為唔take attandance既關係=.=") 堂logic直頭悶到係到講hb鉛筆
之後...小弟不斷忍耐...最後早走左5 mins :D
行到傻哂~ 最慘係...冇水飲...
星期四, 12月 22, 2005
星期六, 12月 17, 2005
星期四, 12月 15, 2005
星期三, 12月 14, 2005
星期一, 12月 12, 2005
Keep to read comics + listen songs -.-"
my eyes gonna blind lu ~~~
I finished a comic talking about a love story in a funiture factory :) so funny.
There has a very touching polt in it :> i nearly cry for that plot -.-"
The weather is getting cold lu, even charlie jai keeps sleeping ~ he keeps sleeping beside me :>
oo...I am having my wto holidays :>
I am singing ~~ la la la ~~~
background music updated 約束のカケラ w-inds :) i like this song.
my eyes gonna blind lu ~~~
I finished a comic talking about a love story in a funiture factory :) so funny.
There has a very touching polt in it :> i nearly cry for that plot -.-"
The weather is getting cold lu, even charlie jai keeps sleeping ~ he keeps sleeping beside me :>
oo...I am having my wto holidays :>
I am singing ~~ la la la ~~~
background music updated 約束のカケラ w-inds :) i like this song.
星期六, 12月 10, 2005
watching FNS.Kayousai.2005
many singers in it ^__^
I think i'll burn this show in dvd :)
opps...tvb have soccer match too ! :D i'll watch both then.
many singers in it ^__^
I think i'll burn this show in dvd :)
opps...tvb have soccer match too ! :D i'll watch both then.
星期二, 12月 06, 2005
星期一, 12月 05, 2005
星期六, 12月 03, 2005
(Busy + Tired)*2 ~ Skipped taichi lesson again O.o
I liked the band called 中ノ森BAND (Nakanomori Band) [-.- too many songs for me to listen...I think i need to buy a new hd or burn all the songs in to dvd later -_-"]
Hmm...Here are the descriptions for them
akanomori Band (中ノ森BAND) is a formerly five member and currently four member Girl Rock band who began in early 2005 under record company Teichiku Entertainment. The band's leading vocalist/guitarist Ayako was the runner up for the Starlight auditions in 2000 out of 1,000 entrants. The winner of this competition was the vocalist for the popular band w-inds. Keita Tachibana.
The band is named after the vocalist and 'leader' of the band, Nakanomori Ayako.
Ayako is so cool and pretty :D
I liked the band called 中ノ森BAND (Nakanomori Band) [-.- too many songs for me to listen...I think i need to buy a new hd or burn all the songs in to dvd later -_-"]
Hmm...Here are the descriptions for them
akanomori Band (中ノ森BAND) is a formerly five member and currently four member Girl Rock band who began in early 2005 under record company Teichiku Entertainment. The band's leading vocalist/guitarist Ayako was the runner up for the Starlight auditions in 2000 out of 1,000 entrants. The winner of this competition was the vocalist for the popular band w-inds. Keita Tachibana.
The band is named after the vocalist and 'leader' of the band, Nakanomori Ayako.
Ayako is so cool and pretty :D