<澄's voyage


星期三, 5月 31, 2006

I finished all MVs from mihimaru GT
-.- haha... hiroko looks a bit silly on her old MVs :)
I watched so many MVs yesterday. I was enjoyed to watch it. It brought so many memories to me.

I have no idea why people are lazy and stupid in their life -_-" (zzz...i am lazy too)
or this is just my destiny. I don't want to meet any noobs again.
lazy, not responsilbe, stupid and so on.

I am confused on my futrue again. I am not sure the way i choose is good for me or not :/ emm...

oh yah~! I am trying to have a big change for my website. It's time to update my background.

background music updated: Hitomi - Go My Way



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