<澄's voyage: Friends


星期三, 3月 02, 2005


okay...guys, today our topic will be FRIENDS
yah...friends...i guess u and me should have some friends, at least 1-2 friends right ?

We would got friends from many ways, such as schoolmates, a friend intoduced by a friend, from internet, from sis/bio's friends , many many...

Basically, there are only two kinds of friends:
FRIENDS and GOOD FRIENDS , some of you may laugh out -.-
but try to think it carefully...
For those friends who would tell you some normal's things...emm...such as he/she got owned by someone, he/she is going to buy a new shoes, he/she will dicuss some normal things to u...how to say it...-.- just normal thing law ~
For the good friends, you won't care or mind to tell him all your stories, even he/she won't mind to tell u too :)
There are really your good friends.

So, How important a friend will be ?
a good friend or even a friend, you could share your...-.- stupid things or get opinions from them to solve some problems...Yah..a friend really could support u in heart even he/she can't help anythings haha -.-

Moreover, friends would give u advice for how to solve problems in a easier way.
Emm...But whats the best way for getting a friend ?
Well, i can't teach or even tell U...
For some ppl, They would make friend easily...-.- they are like those popular and positive person...ez to make friends, ez to be popular...=.=
Some ppl may suffer in bored by can't getting friend in schools, just like me. WEll...this isn't a matter, cause i still got some good friends la -.- even from internet [just like stupid b and crazy sheep la -.- lol...i still haven't meet them in real life yet =.=]or old schools,I am just a stupid person that dunno how to communicate to new ppl or even new friends...haha...i always lose communcation to some normal friends la -.-....no point to keep contact to them...haha..yah..thats sound a bit gay, but i'll try to improve gei..

So...try to find a good friend or the best friend in your life =.=
Otherwise...your life will be ... gg'ed

ps: ...- - what i am talking about ? Err...I better to organzise what i am going to type in here next time la...

Just like the above photo...even you do this to your friend...they won't hit u back la :) (maybe they won't la XD)

This design to hold knife...really inspire me -.-



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